TI-BASIC:Command Index
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To access more information about the command, click on the command to goto the dedicated page for that command. To view the commands divided into sections, goto the Command Overview. To view most of the commands as they would on the calculator itself through the menus, goto the Command Menu Map.
Some commands have a superscript next to them that indicates compatibility:
- 83+ indicates that the command requires a TI-83+, TI-83+SE, TI-84+, TI-84+SE, or TI-84+CSE calculator.
- 84+ indicates that the command requires a TI-84+,TI-84+SE, or TI-84+CSE calculator.
- 84+2.30 indicates that the command requires a TI-84+, TI-84+SE, or TI-84+CSE calculator with OS 2.30 or higher.
- 84+2.53MP indicates that the command requires a TI-84+, TI-84+SE, or TI-84+CSE calculator with OS 2.53MP or higher.
- 84+CSE4.0MP indicates that the command requires a TI-84+CSE or TI-84+CE calculator with OS 4.0MP or higher.
See Compatibility for a chart of only the commands that require certain calculators or operating systems.
- ֿ¹, ², ³
- √(, ³√(
- 1_PropZInt(
- 2_PropZInt(
- 1_PropZTest(
- 2_PropZTest(
- 2_SampFTest
- 2_SampTInt
- 2_SampTTest
- 2_SampZInt(
- 2_SampZTest(
- 1_Var_Stats
- 2_Var_Stats
- Abs(
- And
- Angle(
- Ans
- Archive 83+
- Asm( 83+
- AsmComp( 83+
- Asm84CPrgm 84+CSE4.0MP
- Asm84CEPrgm CE
- AsmPrgm 83+
- Augment(
- AUTO_Answer84+2.53MP
- AxesOff
- AxesOn
- A+bi
- BackgroundOff 84+CSE4.0MP
- BackgroundOn 84+CSE4.0MP
- Bal(
- Binomcdf(
- Binompdf(
- Boxplot
- CheckTmr( 84+
- χ²cdf(
- χ²pdf(
- χ²-Test(
- χ²GOF-Test( 84+2.30
- Circle(
- CLASSIC84+2.53MP
- Clear_Entries
- ClockOff 84+
- ClockOn 84+
- ClrAllLists
- ClrDraw
- ClrHome
- ClrList
- ClrTable
- Conj(
- Connected
- CoordOff
- CoordOn
- Cos(
- cosֿ¹(
- Cosh(
- coshֿ¹(
- CubicReg
- CumSum(
- DayOfWk( 84+
- Dbd(
- DEC_Answer84+2.53MP
- ►Dec
- Degree
- DelVar
- DependAsk
- DependAuto
- Det(
- DetectAsymOff 84+CSE4.0MP
- DetectAsymOn 84+CSE4.0MP
- DiagnosticOff
- DiagnosticOn
- Dim(
- Disp
- DispGraph
- DispTable
- ►DMS
- Dot
- Dot_Thick 84+CSE4.0MP
- Dot_Thin 84+CSE4.0MP
- DrawF
- DrawInv
- DS<(
- Fcdf(
- ►F◄►D84+2.53MP
- Fill(
- Fix
- Float
- FMax(
- FMin(
- FnInt(
- FnOff
- FnOn
- For(
- FPart(
- Fpdf(
- FRAC_Answer84+2.53MP
- ►Frac
- Full
- Func
- GarbageCollect 83+
- Gcd(
- Geometcdf(
- Geometpdf(
- Get(
- GetCalc(
- GetDate 84+
- GetDtFmt 84+
- GetDtStr( 84+
- GetKey
- GetTime 84+
- GetTmFmt 84+
- GetTmStr( 84+
- Goto
- GraphColor( 84+CSE4.0MP
- GraphStyle(
- GridOff
- GridOn
- G_T
- I
- Identity(
- If
- Imag(
- IndpntAsk
- IndpntAuto
- Input
- InString(
- Int(
- ΣInt(
- InvNorm(
- InvT( 84+2.30
- IPart(
- Irr(
- IS>(
- IsClockOn 84+
- ∟
- LabelOff
- LabelOn
- Lbl
- Lcm(
- Length(
- Line(
- LinReg(a+bx)
- LinReg(ax+b)
- LinRegTInt 84+2.30
- LinRegTTest
- ΔList(
- List►matr(
- Ln(
- LnReg
- Log(
- LogBASE(84+2.53MP
- Logistic
- Manual_Fit 84+2.30
- Matr►list(
- Max(
- Mean(
- Median(
- Med_Med
- Menu(
- Min(
- ModBoxplot
- N
- NCr
- N/d84+2.53MP
- NDeriv(
- ►n/d◄►Un/d84+2.53MP
- ►Nom(
- Normal
- Normalcdf(
- Normalpdf(
- NormProbPlot
- Not(
- NPr
- Npv(
- Param
- Pause
- Plot1(
- Plot2(
- Plot3(
- PlotsOff
- PlotsOn
- Pmt_Bgn
- Pmt_End
- Poissoncdf(
- Poissonpdf(
- Polar
- ►Polar
- PolarGC
- Prgm
- ΣPrn(
- Prod(
- Prompt
- Pt_Change(
- Pt_Off(
- Pt_On(
- PwrReg
- Pxl_Change(
- Pxl_Off(
- Pxl_On(
- Pxl_Test(
- P►Rx(
- P►Ry(
- Radian
- Rand
- RandBin(
- RandInt(
- RandIntNoRep84+2.53MP
- RandM(
- RandNorm(
- re^θi
- Real
- real(
- RecallGDB
- RecallPic
- ►Rect
- RectGC
- Ref(
- Remainder(84+2.53MP
- Repeat
- Return
- Round(
- *row(
- *row+(
- *row+(
- rowSwap(
- Rref(
- R►Pr(
- R►Pθ(
- Scatter
- Sci
- Select(
- Send(
- seq(
- Seq
- Sequential
- SetDate( 84+
- SetDtFmt( 84+
- SetTime( 84+
- SetTmFmt( 84+
- SetUpEditor
- Shade(
- Shadeχ²(
- ShadeF(
- ShadeNorm(
- Shade_T(
- Simul
- Sin(
- sinֿ¹(
- Sinh(
- sinhֿ¹(
- SinReg
- Solve(
- SortA(
- SortD(
- StartTmr 84+
- Statwizard_Off 84+2.55MP
- Statwizard_On 84+2.55MP
- StdDev(
- Stop
- StoreGDB
- StorePic
- String►Equ(
- Sub(
- Sum(
- summation Σ(84+2.53MP
- Tan(
- tanֿ¹(
- Tangent(
- Tanh(
- tanhֿ¹(
- Tcdf(
- Text(
- TextColor( 84+CSE4.0MP
- Then
- Thick 84+CSE4.0MP
- Thin 84+CSE4.0MP
- Time
- TimeCnv( 84+
- TInterval
- toString(
- Tpdf(
- Trace
- T_Test
- tvm_FV
- tvm_I%
- tvm_N
- tvm_Pmt
- tvm_PV