TI-BASIC:Square Root
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Command Summary
Take the square root of a number.
Command Syntax
Menu Location
Press 2nd √ to paste the √( command.
1 byte
Takes the square root of a positive or negative number. It works exactly the same as 2×√ or ^(1/2) but is smaller and uses an ending parenthesis. If used on a list, it will return a list with the square root of each element.
√(4) 2 √(2) 1.414213562 √({1,-1}) {1 i}
This may return a complex number or throw ERR:NONREAL ANS (depending on mode settings) if taking the square root of a negative number.
Never raise something to the one-half power explicitly; use this command instead.
:X^(1/2)→X can be :√(X→X
Error Conditions
- ERR:NONREAL ANS when taking the square root of a negative number in Real mode.