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When contributing routines, please follow these guidelines:
- Number_To_String (alternative) -- Converts a real number to a string.
- Matrix_To_String -- Converts a matrix of encoded letters to a string.
- List_To_String (alternative) -- Converts a list of encoded letters to a string.
- String_To_List (alternative) -- Converts a string to a list of encoded letters.
- Decimal_To_Fraction (alternative) -- Converts a decimal number to a fraction.
- Numerically_Index_Words -- Retrieves a word from an indexed string of words with an index number.
- Number_One_Liners -- One or two line routines too short for their own page.
- Number_Subset -- Returns a subset of a number.
- Number_Or_String -- Detect Whether Ans is a String or a Number.
- Number_Or_List -- Detect Whether Ans is a List or a Number.
List & Matrix
- List_&_Matrix_One_Liners -- One or two line routines too short for their own page.
- Sum of Matrix Elements -- Sums the elements of a matrix.
- List Frequency -- Finds the frequency of values in a list.
- RLE Compression -- Compresses a list of numbers.
- RLE Decompression -- Reverses the above routine.
- Binary_Data_Compression -- Bitwise compression of binary data.
- Isolating Element Index Number -- Finds the index number of an element number in a list.
- String_One_Liners -- One or two line routines too short for their own page.
- Reverse_A_String -- Reverses a string.
- Strip_A_String -- Strips a string of its outside spaces.
- Scramble_A_String -- Scrambles a string.
- Change_Case_Of_A_String -- Changes a string to lowercase or uppercase.
- Highlighting_Text -- Invert text to white on a black background.
- Wordwrapping Text -- Split text between several lines on the graph screen.
- Marquee -- Scroll a one-line string, like a marquee.
- Blinking_Text -- Creates a blinking effect on the home screen.
- Typewriter -- Makes text appear letter by letter.
- Shading_Circles -- Draws a shaded circle.
- Draw_Ellipse -- Draws an ellipse at the selected coordinates.
- Custom_Menu_Single_Page -- Draws and navigate through a menu and returns the number of option.
- Custom_Menu_Multi_Page -- Draws and navigate through a menu and returns the number of option.
- Math_One_Liners -- One or two line routines too short for their own page.
- Goodness-of-Fit Test -- Performs a chi-square goodness-of-fit test.
- Linear Regression Standard Error -- Computes the standard error of linear regression coefficients.
- Quadratic_Formula -- Finds the roots of a quadratic equation.
- Cubic_Formula -- Finds the roots of a cubic equation.
- Simplify_Radicals -- Simplifies a square root radical.
- Pythagorean_Triples -- Displays the Pythagorean theorem triples.
- Number Factorization -- Finds the factors of a number.
- Polynomial_Division -- Divides polynomials of any degree.
- Sierpinski_Triangle -- Displays the Sierpinski triangle fractal.
- Pascal's Triangle -- Gets a row of Pascal's triangle.
- Modular_Arithmetic_Solver -- Solves modular arithmetic problems, also usable for finding a remainder.
- Day_Of_Week (Alternative) -- Substitute for the DayOfWk( command for pre-84+ calculators.
- Day, Date & Time -- displays Day, Month, Year, Day of week and Time with no user input.
- Easter_Calculation -- Calculates the Easter Sunday of any given year.
- Synthetic_Division -- Calculates a0xn + a1xn-1 +a2xn-2 + … + an-1x + an/(x-r) , (where a0 ≠ 0)
- Key_Code_Retriever -- Displays the key code for any key that you press.
- Key_Code_To_Letter -- Outputs the letter corresponding to the key press.
- Number_Pad_Reader -- Output the number pressed (0-9) or any other key.