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''How to set up Debug Mode for CEmu''
== BBCtoWiki Example ==
<blockquote>1) Enable it in the makefile ''''DEBUGMODE ?= DEBUG'''
2) Add ''''#include <debug.h>''' to the makefiles
3) Use this code for variables. ''''dbg_sprintf(dbgout, "%d\n", variableName); '''
4) Use this code for text. ''''dbg_sprintf(dbgout, "Hi\n");'''
''How to Store and Retrieve Highscores or Variables from an AppVar''
<blockquote>1) Declare ''''file''' as a ''''ti_var_t''' variable, and ''''highscore''' as an ''''uint8_t'''
2) When you want to store a value to the appvar, use this code. Interchange ''''highscore''' with the name of your variable getting stored, and ''''scorevar''' with the name of your appvar.<pre>ti_CloseAll();
    file = ti_Open("scorevar", "w");
    if (file)
        ti_Write(&highscore, sizeof(highscore), 1, file); 
}</pre> 3) When you want to store a value from the appvar to a variable, use this code. Interchange ''''highscore''' with the name of your variable getting retrieved, and ''''scorevar''' with the name of your appvar. <pre>ti_CloseAll();
file = ti_Open("scorevar", "r");
if (file) {
ti_Read(&highscore, sizeof(highscore), 1, file);
''Wassup! ''''This is an example!'''''
<strike>Strike this text, it makes no sense!</strike>
==== And don't forget an image! ====
Lets indent this code, as well!
<blockquote>Code: <pre>codecodecode codecodecode codecodecode 
codecodecode codecodecode 
codecodecode codecodecode codecodecode 

Revision as of 22:17, 22 July 2016

BBCtoWiki Example

Wassup! 'This is an example! Strike this text, it makes no sense!

And don't forget an image!


Lets indent this code, as well!


codecodecode codecodecode codecodecode  
codecodecode codecodecode  
codecodecode codecodecode codecodecode