TI-BASIC:Connect 4 2 Player
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Revision as of 18:21, 24 February 2016 by Maintenance script (talk | contribs) (Initial automated import)
This is your Basic connect 4 game. Drop Checkers down any of the 7 columns, taking turns until either the board is filled of one player gets four in a row. Try to understand the code. It uses Matrix [A] to track the game board, Var P as one or two to track whose turn it is, V as the input-ed column, L2 as the height of the columns, And Z as the counter for the possible number of turns. TOC
The Code
DelVar [A]:{6,7->dim([A] //sets [A] to 6x7 all 0's Disp" Disp"+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ For(A,1,5 Disp"] End Output(8,1,"] For(A,3,8 Output(A,15,"[ End For(A,1,8 Output(A,16,sub("PLAYER_ _",A,1 //"_" is a space End 0->θ 2->P {6,6,6,6,6,6,6->L2:0->θ For(Z,1,42 If θ Goto 1 (P=1)2+(P=2)->P Output(8,16,P 2->V Repeat K=105 and L2(V/2 Output(1,V,"v Repeat K getKey->K End Output(1,V,"_ V+2(K=26 and V<=12)-2(K=24 and V>=4)->V End V/2->V P(P=1)+(P-3)(P=2)->[A](L2(V),V) If P=1 Output(2+L2(V),2V,"0 //zero If P=2 Output(2+L2(V),2V,"O //letter O 0->θ If L2(V)<=3 Then For(A,7,5,-1 cumSum(seq([A](A-I,V),I,1,4 If Ans(4)=4 1->θ If Ans(4)=-4 -1->θ End End For(A,0,3 cumSum(seq([A](L2(V),A+I),I,1,4 If Ans(4)=4 1->θ If Ans(4)=-4 -1->θ End V+L2(V->B If B>=5 and B<=10 Then seq([A](1,B-I),I,(B<=7)(B-1)+6(B>=8),(B<=7)+(B>=8)(B-7),-1->L1 For(A,1,dim(L1)-3 cumSum(seq(L1(M),M,A,A+3 If Ans(4)=4 1->θ If Ans(4)=-4 -1->θ End End L2(V)-V->B If B<=2 and B>=-3 Then seq([A](I,I-B),I,(B<=-1)+(B+1)(B>=0),6(B>=0)+(B+7)(B<=-1)->L1 For(A,1,dim(L1)-3 cumSum(seq(L1(M),M,A,A+3 If Ans(4)=4 1->θ If Ans(4)=-4 -1->θ End End L2(V)-1->L2(V End Lbl 1 ClrHome "PLAYER_ If θ=1 Ans+"1 If θ=~1 Ans+"2 Ans+" WINS! If Z=42 "CAT GOT THE GAME Ans
This Game was coded by TI-GBR and optimised by jonbush and earthnite. See development page