TI-Basic Developer has a slew of assembly hexcodes and the list is growing. Though these are often touted as dangerous if used improperly, there are perfectly acceptable ways of combining and creating your own codes even if you don't know assembly. This page is focused on how to create your own assembly libraries using the hexcodes on this site.
Step 1: Select your routines
First, figure out which commands you want to include. Some of the commands will not work with this method:
- Sprite
- Fast Keys
- Repeat Keys
These will not work only because they use some constant addresses for routines (basically, it expects a routine to be in a specific place in RAM, so you would need to recalculate the addresses which requires some assembly knowledge).
Step 2: Organise.
Arrange the commands you selected in some order. We will be accessing them using a number in Ans starting at zero.
Step 3: Choose a template
These are four basic templates that you can use for your library to start. There are more complicated ones mentioned later for the adventurous.
- If any of your routines require an input in Ans as a number (and none require Ans to be a string):
1817 ;skips the first chunk of code ED5BAF84 7AB3C8 1BED53AF84 2AB184E7 22B184 EFEF4AC9 EFD74A3DC0 EB4E234623 ED43AF84 22B184 CD979D
- If any of the routines require Ans as a string (and none require Ans to be a number), we will need to use Str1 instead:
1810 EFC541 21AA00 227984 D7 EB4E234623C9 EFD74A EFEF4A
- If any routines require Ans as a number and any routines require Ans as a string:
1827 ;skips the first chunk of code ED5BAF84 7AB3C8 1BED53AF84 2AB184E7 22B184 EFEF4AC9 EFC541 21AA00 227984 D7 EB4E234623C9 EFD74A3DC0 EB4E234623 ED43AF84 22B184 CD979D
- If Ans is not an input for any of your routines:
Step 4: Replace code.
The library needs input in Ans, so naturally there will be a conflict if any of your routines need input in Ans. In this event, if any inputs need to be numbers, we will have to use a two-element list to pass the second argument. This requires you to alter certain parts of code. Case 1: Ans is not an input for any routines.
- No replacing is needed! Go to Step 5.
Case 2: Ans is a number for some inputs and is never a string
- Replace all instances of EFD74AEFEF4A with CD979D (This replaces Ans is a number input)
- Replace all instances of EFDA4AEFEF4A with CD979D (This replaces Y is an input)
- Replace all instances of EFE04AEFEF4A with CD979D (This replaces X as an input)
Case 3: Ans is a string for some inputs and is never a number
- Replace all instances of EFD74AFE04C0EB4E234623 with CD979D
- Replace all instances of EFD74AD604C0EB4E234623 with CD979D, if bugs occur, use CD979DAF.
Both of these codes do almost precisely the same thing. Case 4: Ans is a number in some commands, and could be a string for some commands:
- Replace all instances of EFD74AEFEF4A with CD979D
- Replace all instances of EFDA4AEFEF4A with CD979D
- Replace all instances of EFE04AEFEF4A with CD979D
- Replace all instances of EFD74AFE04C0EB4E234623 with CDAE9D
- Replace all instances of EFD74AD604C0EB4E234623 with CDAE9D
Step 5: Add your commands.
Now that we have the template for the library setup, we can add in the actual commands. To do this, some byte counting will need to be done.
4704 10** <<code0>> 10** <<code1>> 10** <<code2>> 10** <<code3>> 10** <<code4>> ... 05C0 <<last code>>
The@@ @@means you need to count how many bytes are in the routine following. Every two hex digits makes one byte. Every full line in the TI-BASIC editor is 8 bytes since it is 16 chars wide. So for example, 3E02D310C9 is 5 bytes. Be careful, this value must be in hexadecimal!
Now for my own example. I will use
ScreenOn : 3E03D310C9
ScreenOff : 3E02D310C9
ScreenToggle : DB10CB6F3E0220013CD310C9
QuickKey : 3A3F84EF8C47EFBF4AC9
LowerCase On : FDCB24DEC9
Lowercase Off : FDCB249EC9
Indicator Off : EF7045C9
Set Contrast : EFD74AEFEF4AC6D8D8D3107B324784C9
Since Set Contrast uses Ans as an input and none of the other routines need Ans as a string, I will use the first starting code:
1817 ;skips the first chunk of code ED5BAF84 7AB3C8 1BED53AF84 2AB184E7 22B184 EFEF4AC9 EFD74A3DC0 EB4E234623 ED43AF84 22B184 CD979D
I will need to modify the code for Set Contrast: EFD74AEFEF4AC6D8D8D3107B324784C9 turns into: CD979DC6D8D8D3107B324784C9 And now I need to add this:
4704 1005 3E03D310C9 1005 3E02D310C9 100C ;0C is hexadecimal for 12 DB10CB6F3E0220013CD310C9 100A ;0A is hexadecimal for 10 3A3F84EF8C47EFBF4AC9 1005 FDCB24DEC9 1005 FDCB249EC9 1004 EF7045C9 05C0 CD979DC6D8D8D3107B324784C9
So now here is how to use your program:
- If your program has any commands that use Ans as a string input, the string must be in Str1 instead
- If your program has any commands that use Ans as a number input (or X or Y), the inputs are now passed as list elements.
- If Ans is not needed as a number input by any of the routines, you will simply pass a number to your program
So for example, my program takes a list input. The first element is the command number (I have 8 commands, so use 0 to 7) and the second argument is for any additional inputs the routine may need. So SetContrast would be {7,<<contrast>>:Asm(prgmLIB If you omit an argument, the program will read it as 0. So {7} passed to my program will set the contrast to zero.
So now you have your own, personalised assembly library! Compress it using AsmComp(and it is ready for release with your games.
Alternate Templates
If Ans is never a string input for your commands, you can use this code as an alternative. It is bigger, but it has a few perks. Instead of using a one element list, you can simply use the number. For example, {3:Asm(prgmLIB will be read the same as 3:Asm(prgmLIB. Omitted arguments are read as zero, but you can also make your library execute several commands. For example, if 3 and 4 are both separate commands and command 4 has an input, then {3,4,<<arg>>:Asm(prgmLIB will execute the two commands.
Note:** If a command outputs a value in Ans, make sure it is the last command in the sequence. (otherwise it overwrites the input list!)
1818 ED5BAF847AB3C8 1BED53AF842AB184 E722B184EFEF4A37C9 EF524BD7EB B720050101001806 3DC04E234623 ED43AF8422B184 CDCE9D18FBCD979D3802E1C9