z80:Miscellaneous Routines

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A list of small routines that can help you. Feel free to add your own.

Battery Status

Directly polls the hardware for battery status. Thanks to Steve Riekeberg.

   ;Name: BatteryStatus
   ;Description: Returns if the batteries are good, or low and need changing.
   ;Inputs: None
   ;Outputs: Non-Zero = Good Batteries
            Zero = Batteries Low
   ;Destroys: A
      in a, (2)
      and 01h

Alternatively, save a byte and 3cc and have the output in the c flag (c means good, nc bad):

       in a,(2) \ rra \ ret

Boundary Check

Original: Adm. Wiggin. New: Zeda. Checks if coordinates is inside a designated box.

   #define x 10
   #define y 10
   #define width 10
   #define height 20
   ;Input: a,b = x,y
   ;Output: c if the coords are in the box, nc if not.
   ;destorys af
   ;25cc or 47cc, 11 bytes
   ;compare too: 33cc~75cc, 20 bytes
     sub x
     sub width
     ret nc
     ld a,b
     sub y
     sub height

Center Text

Displays a string centered on the screen (small font). Thanks to WikiGuru.

   ;input:hl points to string
   ;output: string displayed centered on screen
   ;destroyed: all registers
   ;other remarks: (penrow) must be set before calling this sub-routine
   ;               first byte of string must be the length of the string
   ld a,96        ;width of screen
   sub b          ;subtract width of string
   rra             ;divide by 2 to be centered
   ld (pencol),a
   ld b,(hl)
   inc hl
   ;to call:
   ld hl,0
   ld (penrow),hl
   ld hl,txtTest
   call centertxt
   .db 11,"Sample Text"

Direct Input

Used for direct input. See here to learn more about direct input. Thanks to Steve Riekeberg.

   ;Name: DirectInput
   ;Inputs: A = Key Group
   ;Outputs: A = Key Code; Zero If None
   ;Destroys: A, B
      ld b,a
      ld a,$ff ;Reset the keypad
      out (1),a
      ld a,b
      out (1),a
      in a,(1)


Checks if h>b, l>c, h<d, and l<e. Thanks to kermmartian and DarkerLine.

   ;----------Hot spot detection-----------
   ;inputs: b,c (first x and y cor)
   ;        d,e (last x and y cor)
   ;        h,l (current x,y)
   ;output: "c" flag [either true (set) or false (reset)]
    ld a,h
    cp b
    ret nc
    cp d
    ret nc
    ld a,l
    cp c
    ret nc
    cp e

On/Off Calc

Turns the calculator "off" and waits for user to press on. Note: Pulling batteries out will result in Ram Clear. Thanks to Taricorp.

   ;no inputs
   	ld a,02h
   	out (10h),a		;Turn off LCD
   	ld a,08h
   	out (3),a
   	call LCD_Delay
   	ld a,36h
   	out (4),a
   	ld a,01h
   	out (3),a
   	halt		;It halts until ON is pressed
   	ld a,0Bh
   	out (3),a
   	ld a,03h
   	out (10h),a			;Turn the LCD back on
   	res onKey,(iy+keyFlags)

Find Next App

This routine is useful if you want to manually search through the installed apps on a calculator.

   ;     B is the base page of the app.
   ;     c flag set if the field was found
   ;     nc means the app header subfield was not found
   ;     B is the number of pages of the app
   ;     A is the page of the next app
   ;     H is the input page number
   ;     L is the page number of the currently swapped in page in bank 1
   ;     This code must run in RAM
        in a,(6)
        ld c,a
        push bc     ;b is the app page, c is the current page
        ld a,b
        out (6),a
        call FindNumPages
        pop hl       ;h is the app page, l is the current page
        ld b,a
        ld a,l
        out (6),a
        ld a,h
        ret nc
        sub b
   ;     c flag set if the field was found
   ;     nc means the app header subfield was not found
   ;     A is the number of app pages
   ;     B is 0
   ;     (HL) is the number of app pages
        ld hl,4000h
        ld bc,128
        ld a,c
        or a
        ret po
        ret nz
        inc a
        cp (hl)
        jr z,$+6
        dec a
        jp FNPLoop
        inc l
        ld a,(hl)


When reading through data in MemBank1, this routine is particularly useful as it adjusts the flash pages accordingly, as well as the pointer HL. If HL does not point to data in MemBank1 (4000h~7FFFh) then HL will simply be incremented, which is useful if the data might be in RAM or flash.

   ;15cc or 24cc or 69cc, avg: ~15.03845cc
       inc l \ ret nz
       inc h \ ret po
       ld h,a
       in a,(6) \ inc a \ out (6),a
       ld a,h
       ld h,40h

It destroys no registers and is very efficient. However, if you are really in need of speed, such as with a ReadArc routine, you can try something like this (conditionally calling the routine):

   inc l \ call z,incptr


This code is not as efficient as it could be, but it works. it sorts a bunch of bytes to be in ascending order:

   ;     BC is the size
   ;     HL is where the data is located
   ;Takes at least n iterations, at most n(n+1)/2
        ld d,h
        ld e,l
        push bc
        push de
        ld a,(hl)
        call SwapBytes
        jp po,NextSort
        cp (hl)
        jr c,SortLoop1
        dec hl
        call z,SwapBytes
        jr c,SortLoop1
        pop de
        jr SortALoop+1
        pop hl
        pop bc
        dec hl
        add hl,bc
        or a
        sbc hl,de
        ret c
        ret z
        ld b,h
        ld c,l
        inc bc
        ex de,hl
        jp SortA+1
        inc bc
        push af
        ld a,(de)
        dec hl
        ld (hl),a
        inc hl
        pop af


This routine will set the calculator to 15MHz mode if possible:

   ;     Sets the calculator to 15MHz if possible
   ;     z flag set if the calc is at 6MHz, nz if at 15MHz
        in a,(2)
        sbc a,a
        and 3
        out (20h),a


This is pretty tiny (3 bytes) so it isn't worth making it a subroutine. In other words, just use it inline:

   xor a
   out (20h),a