TI-BASIC:Useful Routines

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Filled Circle

  • Author: Calc84Maniac
  • Inputs:
    • X = x-coordinate of center
    • Y = y-coordinate of center
    • R = radius

Fraction Parts

  • Author: Calc84Maniac
  • Input:
    • Ans=a number
  • Output:
    • Ans={numerator,denominator}
:While e-9<Ans(3

Graph Mode

  • Author: Calc84Maniac
  • Inputs: none
  • Output: Ans=
    • 0:FUNC
    • 1:PAR
    • 2:POL
    • 3:SEQ
  • Destroys: GDBn
:StoreGDB n
:RecallGDB n
:Delvar GDBn

Counting List Matches

  • Author: Calc84Maniac

Returns how many times A appears in LIST


Returns how many corresponding elements of LIST1 and LIST2 are equal Note: dim(LIST1) must equal dim(LIST2)


Mode of List

  • Author: Calc84Maniac
  • Inputs: LIST
  • Outputs:
    • D = mode(LIST
    • E = 1 if no unique mode, otherwise E=0
:If C=B and D/=LIST(A
:If C>B
:Delvar EC->B

Most Efficient getKey

  • Author: Harq
  • Input: none
  • Output: the key pressed in K (or you can change to another variable)
:Repeat Ans

Text to List

  • Author: Lafferjm
  • Input: Str1, Str2 as shown
  • Output: L1

Takes text entered from input and changes it into list

:DelVar L1
:Input "NAME:",Str2

List To Text

  • Author: lafferjm
  • Input: None
  • Output: List changed into text

Takes numbers in list from List to text and changes it into a word on the screen


Shuffle Elements of List

Shuffles LIST1. Note: If you know what dim(LIST1) will be, replace it with a number.

  • Author: Calc84Maniac
  • Destroys: LIST2

Formatted Text on a Graph Screen

Clears the graph screen

  • Authors: B-flat, KermMartian, and Calc84Maniac
  • Input: Str1
:If 23J-24+I<A


Modulo Division

The Round( is in there in case of an infinitely repeating decimal (like 1/3).

  • Authors: The Tari, Something1990, and Calc84Maniac
  • Inputs:
    • A = Dividend
    • B = Divisor

Matrix to List

Converts any size matrix to a list

  • Author: lafferjm
  • Input:
    • Matrix A
  • Output:
    • Lsave
:DelVar L1DelVar L2DelVar [A]DelVar BDelVar CDelVar ADelVar D

List to Matrix

Takes any size list and stores it into a matrix

  • Author: Lafferjm
  • Inputs: Lsave
  • Output: Matrix [A]
:Input "ROWS:",F
:Repeat A=F+1
:DelVar ADelVar BDelVar CDelVar DDelVar EDelVar FDelVar G

Convert A to a String [Optimized]

  • Author: Weregoose
:LinReg(a+bx) Y1

Pop First List Element

Input and output variables can be changed to whatever.

  • Author: Calc84Maniac
  • Input: Ans
  • Output: Ans

Rotate a 3x3 Matrix 90°

  • Author: HaveACalc
  • Input: Ans
  • Output: Ans
:rowSwap(Ans<superscript T transpose>,1,3

Find List Element Index

  • Author: Ed H
  • Inputs:
    • A = a number
  • Output: Ans=the position of the last occurrence of A in L1

=== Find List Element Index (Within Bounds)

  • Inputs:
    • A = A number
    • B = Where it begins looking
    • C = Where it ends looking
  • Output: Ans=The position of the last occurrence of A in the portion of L1 starting from element B and ending with element C

Convert Base 10 to Any Base (2 to 16)

  • Author: RthProg
  • Inputs:
    • A = Number to convert
    • B = Base to convert to
  • Outputs: Str0

Change Case of a String

  • Authors: RthProg and Ed H
  • Inputs:
    • A = (1) Change to uppercase
    • Str1 = String to convert
  • Outputs:
    • Str1 = Converted string
:inString(sub(Str2,26A + 1, 26),sub(Str1,N,1)
:Str1 + sub(sub(Str1,N,1) +sub(sub(Str2,26,26)+sub(Str2,1,26),26A+1,26),Ans+1,1)-->Str1

Number to Roman Numeral

  • Author: Ed H
  • Inputs:
    • N = Number to convert
  • Outputs:
    • Ans & Str0 = Converted number
:" →Str0
:While Z

Find Unique Elements in Two Lists

  • Author: rthprog
  • Input: L1 and L2
  • Output: L3 (All elements that are in L1 but not L2, and elements that are in L2 but not L2.
  • Conditions: "0" is not a unique element, and no element is repeated within an individual list